Victorious Grace
When I first met Grace, she was 1 of 40 staff members within a Scheduling department BCI was contracted to train (and is still training today) over three years ago.
Listening to recordings of her calls, Grace's tone sent the message to callers that she was bored, answering the phone was a nuisance, and she was not much interested in helping anyone. Grace was not good on the phone, and I was told her job was in real jeopardy.
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So, we scheduled a coaching phone call, and she and I spoke for ten minutes. I deduced that Grace was a very nice but quiet person, a little defensive about her phone skills, and most enlightening of all, she was unusually introverted to the point that the simple act of speaking to strangers was likely difficult for her. Shyness and a lack of confidence was the probable cause of Grace conveying disinterest and behaving unprofessionally.
I concluded that Grace needed a victory, no matter how small. If we could show her that she was capable of fixing just one thing in her approach, we could perhaps use that model repeatedly in helping her to fix everything in her approach. I felt that helping Grace build her confidence piece by piece was the answer.
We first focused on just her greeting (which was poor in quality). It took test after test and two weeks of focus, but we finally got through and Grace began offering a consistently warm and welcoming greeting. She had earned her first victory, and both BCI and her management offered much praise.
Next up was the 2nd of 20 fundamentals that define the BCI program, and once again with some help, Grace cleared this hurdle. Again, much praise was offered. Up next was the 3rd fundamental and so on.
As Grace began to routinely follow the BCI directives, she found herself doing highly professional things she did not know she was capable of, patients began reacting to her in a warm and respectful manner, and her confidence began to grow every day.
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From this point on Grace's interactions had a completely different feel to them. She began tackling calls with a renewed assertiveness and energy level. On her recordings I could hear her warmly laughing with patients and their family members, solving their issues and engaging in a relaxed and self-assured manner. It was wonderful.
Moreover, Grace had saved her job, her organization did not have to replace her, and they gained a newly discovered talent and resource in a person who was once a liability.
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This story of Grace is factual in every detail but name. The BCI training and performance management program leaves no agent behind in ensuring consistently excellent customer service performance from each of our clients' staff members.
Let us show you what the future of healthcare call center training looks like.